It's time to take your love of denim
to the next level This season, have
some fun with denim and mix in more
than just a pair of denim pants. Try
incorporating a denim jumper, overalls
or even a skirt Ony Zace USA offers a
great style variety alongside sustainably
produced mill-finish RAW/ denim!
I met with the owner and designer
of Zace USA, Zach Myers, to
discover more about this Ohio-based
fashionably sustainable brand and
MUST HAVE denim line. In this issue, I
am handing the reigns over to Zach
to share his story and fashion expertise!
IH: What inspired you to create
Zace USA?
ZM: My love for America and Work Wear.
I believe that things can be
done in a way that creates a sustainable
industry while creating premium
clothing for socially and fashion
conscious people around the world! I'm
very proud that for the past 13 years
my team and I have been sewing here
in rural Ohio outside of Columbus.
IH: Have you always been
into fashion?
ZM: I remember hiding in bolts of
as a young child while my mother
and grandmother woukd fabric shop.
Back in the 80s we made braided
bracelets, tie-dyed shirts, bleached jeans
and spent our days and nights riding,
skateboards. I recall sneaking into my
parents bathroom to smell my step-
fathers green bottle of Polo cologne
while admiring the logo at the age of 8.
I started sewing snowboard mittens at
the age of 17 and I’ve been creating one
thing or another since.
IH: Where do you draw
Inspiration for your designs?
ZM: The Zace USA women's designs
are drawn from my love
for the soil. Usually when I'm covered
in dirt and grease from fixing a tractor
or planting a field, is when I have my clearest
thoughts for design. Timeless, sexy
yet functional and durable pieces that
don't have an expiration date on them,
in terms of trends is always the goal.
IH What does living a sustainable
life mean to you?
ZM: It is a balance of several
factors including water, food, clothes
and family. Clean water is the most
valuable resource in the world and
it doesn't make sense for Zace USA
to chemically alter our clothing and
waste such a precious resource. Its
this core value that we hope will
affect the industry and ultimately
change water for the better in other
countries whose communities and
health have been affected by the
major producers of denim and
Growing our food to include fruits
and vegetables while preserving them
is vital to achieve optimal health and
ensure its source is well defined.
The clothing we wear reflects a
very powerful decision. I personally
would rather wear one pair of jeans
each year knowing the cotton was
gown and sewn in America wnere
labor standards are high and lives
and natural resources haven’t been
destroyed in the process.
Family is everything and is the
pillar to a sustainable life.
My two sons, Denim and Diesel, sure make
all the sacrifices worth while for me,
in knowing the hard work I put into
growing and sewing will ultimately
leave them a life that they too can
hand down one day. Leaving a soft
foot print on this earth is all of our
Stylist: Whitney Alexandra
Photographer: Bri lohnson
Modal: Ashlen (Q Model Management)
Read story at brijohnson